Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Is There A Modern Fountain Of Youth?

The issues of aging and longevity of life span cause the age-long search for the fountain of youth. If folklores describe it as a stream of miraculous water that will bring immortality to those who will drink it, modern scientists tell a totally different story.

In this generation, you do not have to climb jagged cliffs and swim the most treacherous seas just to obtain the so-called best possible solution to your graying problem. There is no chanting required. Just dial the phone and talk to a health store representative and he will do the rest for you.

There is no need to take a deadly journey. Just ride a cab to the nearest health shop and buy the dietary supplements that promise you a younger you. These are antioxidants that possess age-defying properties. You do not even have to drink them. Sometimes, you slather them all over your body or simply eat them. But with all the wonders modernity brings to mankind, have experts really found the fountain of youth?

The answer is a resounding no. There is no such thing is immortality, but anti-aging factors exist. Other than in beauty bars and creams, they often exist in dietary supplements.

However, the thing is, it is not what you take but what you have been taking all these years. A few years back, Vitamin E was said to be the elixir for aging people. Businessmen even came up with the idea of producing a synthetic version to cater to the rising demand. Now, it is an open secret that this version can be bad for your health at large doses.

Vitamin C, which paved the way for Linus Pauling's Nobel Price in 1954, was also said to prolong cell thread and make aging slower. Now, people know that there is a tolerable limit to what human can use. With all these myths, mankind's life expectancy still declined not only in the US but across the Western world as well until the early 90s.

The demand for the next fountain of youth is insatiable. Today, you have the answer, the next day, you still grow older. The magic here is not actually what you take, but what you give to yourself in the form of lifestyle.

Taking many dietary supplements than necessary will just damage your body. Remember that aging is a life-long process that needs a life-long foe. That foe is healthier lifestyle and not sudden quirks to use certain hypes.

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