Thursday, November 29, 2012

Best Tips for First-Time Buyers of Bonsai Trees

What are the basic rules for first-time buyers?

1. The rule of thumb is, the smaller the pot is, the more frequent watering and fertilizing should be (in small amounts, of course).

2. Bonsai plants may take years to flower or bear fruit. Researching on the specific plant you want to purchase is needed to make sure that your expectations will be met.

3. All maintenance requirements should be asked prior to buying, so you know how tedious the bonsai training can get.

4. Finely tapered trunk and foliage are signs of great care and health. Always look at these aspects and not at the color of the leaves, flowers or fruits because they really change depending on the season.

5. Buy bonsai trees for sale only during growing season and not at their dormant stage. You can never gauge the exact health and beauty of a plant when it is sleeping.

Where should you buy?

The internet shows dozens of online stores that offer bonsai trees for sale. However, buying from untested sellers may give you substandard plants, infested with diseases.  The best way to buy is through guaranteed and renowned sites, such as Amazon, because they do not only uphold reputation but give you all the details you need.

Rare species and antique bonsai trees, which are more expensive than ordinary collections, might be found in eBay. Due to their rarity and age, it is normal that they are sold through bidding.

If you are more comfortable touching the plants and smelling the foliage yourself, then visiting authorized garden centers might be the best option.

Bonsai trees are good investments because their prices appreciate over time. However, always remember that they are like pets—high maintenance and need consistent attention. If you are not ready to allot some time on this collection, then you are just up to a complete waste of money and effort.

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