Friday, January 11, 2013

Top 3 Tips When Buying Second Hand Racking for Your Business

The risks for your commodities and workers double when you buy second hand racking because damage is very likely from past use. Fragility might strike the material as it ages, like in the case of plastic.

Here are some ways to ensure that your pre-owned racking and shelving systems are still in tiptop shape.

1. Research on the material
Some materials deteriorate over time, whether it is induced by external elements, such as temperature and chemical, or by natural changes, such as in the case of aging wood and plastic.

Commonly used frames for pallet racking systems

Having a clear idea on the material, whether it is a newly manufactured pallet or a used pallet racking, is taking one step ahead towards the highest quality of storage and inventory systems. There are commonly used materials for pallets and shelves that are best used for particular commodities, at a certain age.

  • Gauge Steel
This is the best material for your pallet and shelf because it doesn’t rust and turn brittle. Its strength is enough to carry heavyweight commodities. Old or new, it can carry potentially dangerous products like flammable materials, electronics and chemical products.

If you are looking forward to long-term warehousing operation, this is the right material.

  • Durable Plastic
This is the cheapest second hand racking you can find, but it is also the least advisable because of plastic’s brittleness as it ages. Likewise, it is a flammable material so it should never be matched with equally flammable commodity, like garment.

  • Wood
Hardwood pallet is good a choice for surplus racking. Softwood is not. Many manufacturers opt to use softwoods because they are cheaper in production. However, they are only good at a young age, for lightweight commodities.
  • Aluminum
Its lightweight built makes it a top choice for regular relocation and short-term operation. It also decreases in durability over time, but that is still triple the lifespan of plastics.

  • Fiberglass
Another cheap material, it also lasts as much as aluminum does, so it can be a nice choice for used pallet racking.

2. Choose a seller that offers total warehouse servicing
Do not settle for mere racking products. There are dealers of brand new and used racking systems that also offer total servicing; some are for free. By choosing a warehouse specialist that offers installation, dismantling, estimation, surveying, planning, designing, relocation and repair services, you are guaranteed of their commitment because it has more to prove.

It is always advisable that you let the experts handle racking and shelving works because they know their industry’s standards like you know your own business.

3. Inspect the second hand racking and shelving yourself
Expect that surplus racking and shelving have at the least, slight deterioration in durability or in appearance. Some are in bad looks but still in absolutely sturdy states. If your dealer is a reputed company, you are likely assured of quality second hand products that can stand another test of time.

Elevated shelving systems

Nevertheless, it is always safest to inspect before closing a deal. Ask how long the pre-owned racking was used, for what commodities was it used for, why was it placed on sale then scrutinize the actual condition, looking for damages or deformities. You will be surprised to learn something doubtful along the way.

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